


Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices




«Bakali» is a business that operates a cosmetics and healthy food store in the city of Nicosia as well as an online shop. The products sold are produced with pure natural ingredients. Special attention is given to local products which are part of the Cypriot tradition. The business supports small local industries, aiming at the development and promotion of local production in Cyprus and abroad.
The owner of “Bakali” states the following about the business: “The basic philosophy and goal of Bakali is to remind all the inhabitants of the island, Cypriots and non-Cypriots, of the great tradition of the products produced with passion and love here in our country, Cyprus, thus supporting small Cypriot producers, from all the villages of Cyprus. It is the duty of all of us to support the Cypriot tradition and economy by choosing Cypriot products in our daily life. When you want personal prosperity and growth, you must also help the place you live in to have prosperity and growth.”



“Bakali” offers significant benefits in a number of fields and for several actors in the field of small scale, local food production. In particular the following areas are benefited: Environment – “Bakali”promotes products produced with sustainable methods.
Society – The business supports small local industries, aiming at the development and promotion of local production in Cyprus and abroad. It contributes in boosting business activity in rural and remote areas. At the same time it is an excellent example of regenerative business development.
Tourism – Bakali is a cosmetics and healthy food store where visitors and tourists can buy traditional Cypriot products produced by local producers.


Key Success

«Bakali», with faith in pure natural ingredients and the local products, offers the visitor a unique experience. The elegant decoration, the aromas from Cyprus herbs, the large selection of wellness and beauty products, the variety of food and the mark of the Cypriot tradition take the visitor back in time. The philosophy of the business is to support small local industries, aiming at the development and promotion of local production in Cyprus and abroad.
The following factors have significantly contributed in the success of the business:
-Unique and exclusive products
-Excellent business environment
-Loyal customers Solid support and backup
-Reasonable set-up cost
-Low operational expenses
-Profitable franchise

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688