Chatham Island Food Co, located some 800 km east of New Zealand, exports Island seafood all over New Zealand and the World, with a continued focus on quality and value-adding. Their fishery is managed under the New Zealand quota system, which limits the amount of seafood that can be taken out of the water annually. Chatham Island Food Co focus has always been on working with the best local fishermen to produce seafood of outstanding quality whilst adhering to sustainable fishing practices. Their pot-caught fishing method is highly selective, with minimal impact on the marine environment.
They are offering island visitors a rare opportunity to glimpse its export operations in action. Each guided tour gives guests the chance to learn about Chatham Island Food Co’s story from founder and 7th generation islander Delwyn Tuanui, including a behind-the-scenes look at the company’s diverse processing facilities and lessons in local seafood delicacies.
Chatham Island Food holds strong sustainable mindset and sustainable fishing practices. The company developed strong local collaboration networks, resulting in a community of like-minded people, who share their vision of quality fish and sustainable fishing practices. The company business concept and regenerative values bring a positive impact on the island sea ecosystem and to the local community. According to the company founder, lifting the production quality of Chatham Island seafood exports has enabled price increases that turn into profits, which are directly and indirectly fed back into the Chatham community. Their guided food tour enables the behind-the-scenes experience, so visitors can experience the fishery and island living in an authentic way. Through learning and storytelling components, and a personal interaction with locals, all being integral part of the experience, visitors can immerse into the experience and better understand the local environment, its people and culture.
Decision to increase the value of their products and creating a brand.
The founder upskilled his marketing and business knowledge. He was focused on adding value and dared to do things differently as did his family in the past.
Creating a brand with clear identity and story behind, the company managed to explain »why« and »how« to their customers and share their personal story and sustainable values in more effective way.
To bring the vision and regenerative concept to life, the company focused on identifying, and working closely with the islands’ most exceptional fishermen and other locals, who share their vision of quality fish and sustainable fishing practices.
Through offering guided tours they create and opportunity for visitors to see their business and way of living in an authentic way, as well as learn about the importance of sustainable practices to bring long term good for all.
Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688
Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688