Experience a fish boutique in the middle of the sea – Fonda sea bass from Piran

Experience a fish boutique in the middle of the sea – Fonda sea bass from Piran

Experience a fish boutique in the middle of the sea – Fonda sea bass from Piran

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

Experience a fish boutique in the middle of the sea – Fonda sea bass from Piran



This experience takes place at Slovenia’s only fish farm in the protected environment of the Sečovlje Salt Pans Landscape Park. This fish boutique in the middle of the sea stands out for its sustainable sea bass farming.

The visit and the whole experience at the Fonda Fish farm is based on strong visitor involvement, personal approach, and storytelling. A visitor actively learns about sustainable fish breeding and important environment protection topics, that are provided through a personal story of company founders or other close employees who know and feel the company and share its values. A visitor experiences the authentic environment where fish farming takes place and participates.

All their senses are being engaged by smelling, listening, touching and also tasting Fonda Sea bass and other local delicacies.



Fonda fish farming stands out for its sustainable sea bass farming. The company puts a strong focus on educating their business partners and visitors (end-users) about fish farming and negative consequences of extensive fish farming. By doing so, they build awareness on fish farming and sea protection / preservation. More informed merchants, restaurants and consumers can result in more sustainable choices and behaviour in their daily eating and buying practices. Having an opportunity to see, learn and be actively involved in the authentic experience of the fish farm that is devoted to sustainable mindset and practices, influence visitors to strongly engage in the experience, and thus re-think their own practices and potentially influence their future behaviour.

Key Success

Being faithful and devoted to the initial idea of sustainable fish farming, focusing on sea preservation and protection and quality.

Building awareness among business partners (restaurants, merchants…) and end-users of their sustainable practices and positive effects for the environment and fish quality.

Strong perseverance and readiness not to give up. The company built a national and international recognition after 10+ years on the market.

High involvement of company founders, i.e., family members, in the business and also carrying out the guidance of tourist visits. Sharing their personal story and their reasons why they do things the way they do, they manage to engage visitors’ emotions, strengthen their message, and influence their level of awareness, and hopefully also future behaviour.


“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688