Food Rando

Food Rando

Food Rando

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

Food Rando



Food Rando, launched in 2022 in its second season by Pays de Bastogne, offers a unique experience. Visitors can rent a backpack filled with locally sourced products for a picnic during various walking trails. An opportunity for a spontaneous local lunch amid picturesque landscapes, this initiative simplifies the visitor’s experience and introduces them to regional products, creating a link between nature and culinary heritage.


Food Rando promotes regenerative food tourism by allowing visitors to taste local products while exploring the region’s natural beauty. The initiative supports environmental regeneration by fostering appreciation for local landscapes. It creates economic benefits by promoting local producers and enhancing the appeal of the region. Socially, it encourages shared experiences during picnics and raises awareness about the importance of a simpler, more local lifestyle.

Key Success

Food Rando’s success lies in its simplicity and accessibility. The pre-filled backpacks and easily accessible trail maps, either on paper or through an app, make it an uncomplicated experience for families. Reservation convenience contributes to its popularity. However, potential enhancements could involve providing more information about producers and products, as well as incorporating options for visiting producers’ premises or concluding the experience with local tastings or activities.

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Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12