La Gaufre du Pays Flamand

La Gaufre du Pays Flamand

La Gaufre du Pays Flamand

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

La Gaufre du Pays Flamand



La Gaufre du Pays Flamand, located in Houplines near Lille, is an artisan waffle-making workshop run by Jean-François Brigant. With a workshop welcoming up to 100 visitors, Mr. Brigant shares the cultural significance of waffles, their history, and the traditional process of making them. The workshop also houses a small museum displaying antique waffle irons with intricate patterns. Waffles, traditionally given as gifts during New Year celebrations, are made with ingredients like vergeoise, derived from local sugar beets. The experience includes waffle-making demonstrations and opportunities to taste and purchase various flavors, including exotic options like passion fruit.


La Gaufre du Pays Flamand contributes to regenerative food tourism by preserving local culinary heritage, particularly the traditional art of waffle making. Mr. Brigant, a micro-business owner, sustains this local tradition by sharing knowledge with visitors, ensuring that the craft is passed on. The use of traditional ingredients, such as locally sourced sugar beets, adds to the authenticity. The waffle workshop serves as an inclusive space, welcoming visitors of all ages and backgrounds. School groups, both local and international, benefit from educational tours, enhancing cultural understanding.

Key Success

The success of La Gaufre du Pays Flamand is rooted in Mr. Brigant’s commitment to preserving local traditions. His hands-on engagement, waffle-making demonstrations, and the incorporation of a museum create a unique and authentic experience. Challenges include finding a successor to continue the tradition and preserving antique waffle irons. Mr. Brigant’s active communication, through various channels including local newspapers, social media, and events, ensures a steady flow of visitors. The simplicity of the experience and the uniqueness of the product contribute to its success.

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Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12