Michelin Green star Grič restaurant

Michelin Green star Grič restaurant

Michelin Green star Grič restaurant

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

Michelin Green star Grič restaurant



Grič is a family-run restaurant situated about half an hour’s drive from the capital Ljubljana. Michelin Green-Star awarded Chef Luka Košir has run it since 2009.

The restaurant is devoted to sustainability. It was awarded a Michelin Green star, obtained a Green Key certificate, and joined the Slovenia Green Cuisine scheme. With a carefully planned dish preparation process and various food-conservation techniques, they try to avoid wastefulness. 80 % of the vegetables are self-sustainable, as well as 50 % of the fruit used in the recipes.

Local organic ingredients are a substantial part of the menu, including some from the restaurant’s own farm. The restaurant wants to share the experience of the Slovenian countryside with their guests. The cuisine served at Grič has a strong connection with local tradition and historical heritage, fused with modern cuisine. At Grič you can dine at a charming chalet on the top of the hill, with a gorgeous view over the surrounding area.


The Grič restaurant holds strong regenerative mentality and is devoted to sustainable practices (zero waste policy, food conservation, striving for food self-sufficiency, use of seasonal ingredients sourced locally, …). They developed a strong and wide collaboration network in its local environment. Together with local breeders and growers, fish farmers, hunters, and other supporters of natural farming, the restaurant created a community of like-minded suppliers dedicated to a greener future. Their strong devotion to sustainability has positive effects on the local environment, providing new opportunities for local people and leading to a better quality of their life. The multi-sensory dining experiences include innovative and creative dishes and emphasize learning component. This broadens visitors’ knowledge on local ingredients, food processing techniques, dishes, and sustainable practices, as well as help them to discover the local environment and local people through local food.

Key Success

Chef’s Luka Košir perseverance (staying loyal to his own vision and not giving up despite the obstacles).

Innovative and creative approach, using local ingredients from the surrounding area.

Ready to take risks in terms of trying new things and concepts.
Luka as a chef expects 100% devotion of his team to the restaurant. Having high expectations is crucial for top-quality results.

Chef Luka Košir actively sourced new knowledge to find new solutions and ideas (e.g. how to conserve food to decrease the waste rate; different techniques of conserving, fermentation, …).

Chef Luka Košir did not focus on money-making goal while running a restaurant. He wanted his restaurant to provide economic safety to his family, but his vision was broader: to provide top-quality experience, bring a strong educational component into the restaurant, make the restaurant a place to experiment in cuisine, and stay loyal to its local environment and sustainable practices.

Strong focus on providing top quality.

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Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688