Saltpans of Aveiro

Saltpans of Aveiro

Saltpans of Aveiro

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

Saltpans of Aveiro



Aveiro’s salt is a very valuable resource in Aveiro’s history. The production of sea salt had a significant expression, there were about 270 production companies, producing about 95.600 tons/year in 1966. However, from 1960 onwards, the activity entered into a clear decline, not only in the number of active production marinas, but also in production volume.
Nowadays only 7 salt production marinas are in activity and the Project Salinas of Aveiro assures that this art continues to endure in our days and not only in memories.
On a guided tour to the Aveiro Salt pans, tourists can learn about the history of Sal de Aveiro, the still artisanal stages of production and even, in the summer season, witness the harvesting of salt, seeing up close the hard work of the salt workers themselves.


Aveiro Saltpans promotes the preservation of the cultural tradition of salt production, as well as includes the local community that works with the artisanal process of salt production and assure the environmental preservation of the ecosystem.

Key Success

Saltpans of Aveiro, combines, in the same place:

Quality of the Salt: Producing high-quality salt. The salt should have desirable characteristics such as purity, taste, and texture. Consistently delivering a quality product is essential for customer satisfaction and building a positive reputation.

Sustainable practices: they implement responsible water management and measures to preserve and protect the surrounding ecosystems. Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can enhance the reputation of the salt pans and attract environmentally conscious consumers.

Tourism activities: Offering informative tours, educational activities, and engaging experiences can enhance the overall appeal of the salt pans as a tourist destination and contribute to positive word-of-mouth promotion.

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Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688