Urška Organic Tourist Farm

Urška Organic Tourist Farm

Urška Organic Tourist Farm

Project Number: 2022-KA220-VET-89ACFE12

Best Practices

Urška Organic Tourist Farm



Urška Organic Tourist Farm offers local meals, accommodation, and wellness facilities. The farm is devoted to sustainable practices, holding a Green Key Certificate among others.

The farm grows fruit, vegetables, and herbs, and produces meat, eggs, and other products. The food they cook is a delicate mixture of homegrown ingredients from the field and from their herb and flower garden, seasoned with the creativity of cooks Vilma and Urška. A visitor is in direct contact with Ms. Urška, and learns about local ingredients, dishes, and their collaborations with the local community. Adding a learning component to their food experiences, raises awareness of sustainable practices, and motivates their guests to follow their example and to better understand the destination and respect it.

Their guests can enjoy unique experiences like sleeping in the hayrack, stargazing, picking eggs from the henhouse, visiting the neighbouring farm, helping to bake bread, or learning how to make felt.


Urška organic tourist farm holds sustainable and regenerative thinking. Intensive collaborations with the local environment and other tourism-related organizations creates important collaboration network, which benefits every participant and the destination as such.
Guests have an opportunity to actively participate, engage and experience authentic farm life, learn about the family values and other local traditions throughout their stay and food experiences provided. Visitors are offered around 80 % of home produce, most of it organic. Their dishes are based on old recipes that are passed down by generations, having a strong local identity and character, but served in an innovative and creative way. In such a way Urška organic farm is preserving and sharing Slovene cultural heritage of rural farm life.

Key Success

Being innovative and creative in tourist farm offer.

Engaging guests by fully including them into their family farm life and sharing their family and local environment stories and their everyday sustainable practices.

Personal relationship established with their guests.


“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”

Project Number: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000086688